Category: Articles

Burnout and your Wellbeing

Burnout and your Wellbeing

People throw the term ‘burnout’ around often, but do you know what it really means, how you can identify it, to maintain your wellbeing, and what to do if you suspect you might be suffering from it?

Wellbeing and workplace coaching

Sterkla: Shaping Workplace Coaching

Whilst remote working was fast becoming a trend in many industries pre-Covid, the recent pandemic accelerated this trend in the workplace environment significantly. Wellbeing no longer sits separately from work life and personal life, but rather is part and parcel of our lives, with business success relying heavily on the wellbeing of its employees.

Wellbeing at work

Leading a Culture of Wellbeing

With the accelerated rate of change and the ever increasing complexity of our world, we are most certainly in unchartered territories, where old approaches simply